Beyond Landscaping


Solutions for Common Landscape Pest Control in Indiana

Having a great yard is a source of pride for many people. Hours can be spent in mowing, trimming and watering, and some people look forward to the spring just to see their lawn turn green again. However, even with the best care, sometimes your lawn needs a little bit of help, especially when pests appear.

Indiana, like everywhere else, has it’s fair share of lawn pests. From grubs below the ground to rabbits and deer nibbling on your decorative bushes, pests will find a way into your yard. For the most part, a few grubs or even rabbits won’t cause any damage but if things get out of control, you could find yourself with brown patches instead of grass and bare stems on your trees and bushes.


The first thing that must be done to diagnose your yard problem is to identify what’s causing the damage. Over fertilization, poor watering habits, and soil conditions can cause brown patches in your lawn. If these factors are eliminated, then you could be looking at insect damage.

Insects are one of the largest groups of yard pests. They are often separated into 3 categories:

  • Below Ground
  • Thatch-Dwelling
  • Above-Ground

These 3 categories of pests can be identified by the type of damage they do. Below ground pests, such as grubs, feed on the roots of plants. When there is a large population, the grass will become brown and can easily be pulled up like a carpet. Thatch-dwelling pests attack plants at the crown and stems. This kind of damage is often caused by caterpillars such as army worms or billbug larvae. The damage from above-ground pests involves the leaves and blades of the plants. Leafhoppers and aphids are often the culprits in many yards.

In these cases, insecticides might be the best option to rid your yard of pests. Here at Beyond Landscaping, our lawn care professionals understand the different types of damage insects can do, and have training to help you identify problems. We carry and can use all natural products and organics that don’t blast your home and the environment with harsh chemicals.

Larger pests such as rabbits, birds and deer pose a different problem. Rabbits and deer can chew on new trees and shrubs while birds can eat young fruit. Depending on your situation, you may need to put up fencing, or use products that deter these animals from entering your yard.

For any landscaping pest control problems, it’s best to consult with a professional lawn care expert. Beyond Landscaping can help you decide what is the best way to keep pests out of your yard and keep it looking beautiful.