Tag: gardening

What Goes into an Environmentally Sustainable Yard?
In the fragile world we live in, the importance of gardening sustainably cannot be underrated. Gardening in your own backyard takes more effort than just watering the plants. Environmentally sustainable gardening practices are aimed at creating a conducive environment for plants through taking care of the soil, vegetation, air and water around those plants. The […]
The Hidden Risks of Soft Water on Plants
If the area where you live has hard water, you’ve realized that it makes dishes dull, corrodes plumbing and leaves clean clothes looking dirty.
4 Signs You’re Over Watering Your Plants
Unfortunately, far too many people over water their lawns and landscape areas unintentionally with the hope of making them lush. This is due to lack of knowledge of the amount of water your plants and grass need to thrive. Over watering your plants makes them prone to damage by fungus, weeds, and disease.
Good Bugs for Your Garden and Yard
There are many types of bugs, not all of them are bad for your yard. There are many good bugs for your garden. Good gardeners know the advantages of good bugs. Several insects, spiders and also invertebrates that are classified into the generic “bug” category can be useful in the garden. Read on […]